About Me and My Website
In April 2015 I retired after working most of my career in human resource computer systems for several large organizations. Since then I have built and maintained websites in WordPress and other HTML applications. At the same time, I have also expanded my involvement with musical groups here in the Twin Cities.
I built this website on my own in WordPress in order to learn that application and have a platform to share my experiences and skills. I love working with WordPress and would like to make it my second career.
Poke around on the menu above or the thumbnail links below. Feel free to contact me. Thanks!
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WordPress/Website Experience
I’ve listed my efforts with regard to website creation and maintenance, page/menu content development and update, media and media library management, form creation, projects work on, conversion from other HTML environments, and kudos from customers.

Job History and Skills
Check out the software applications I am familiar with along with my job history (summary and detail, volunteer activities.

I have been an avocational musician most of my life which has entailed, singing, composition, and playing bassoon.

Higher Education
My undergraduate work at St. Cloud State University from was followed by two Master of Art degrees from the University of Minnesota.